Market Research Software
One of the niche areas in which we specialise is Market Research software. Our sister company Moorcroft Market Research, offers quantative, qualitative and video-based research and we do all their IT processing, including data cleansing, generation of top-line results and generation of cross-tabulations. We also provide multi-site backup of all their documents, e-mails, faxes, raw data, tabulations and presentations.
We have designed and developed a specialist programming language to facilitate the definition of questionnaires and the requisite cross-tabulations, and can consequently offer an extremely fast turn-around from receipt of raw data [in any format] to generation of sophisticated tabulations.
We offer this same service to other Market Research companies, and have worked with other members of the ICG [Independent Consultants Group], an umbrella organisation for independent Market Research companies.
This analysis package, which accepts data in all common (and some exceedingly uncommon) formats, can handle the output from hall tests, video observation research and self-completion computer-based questionnaires as well as CATI and face-to-face interviews. It offers a host of features, including:
- data validation and cleansing
- routing error detection, with unwanted data discarded
- detection and correction of self-inconsistent responses
- sophisticated hole-count for immediate production of top-line results
- cross-tabulations with any number of cross-breaks
- individual cross-tabulations of any two variables
- each question may be evaluated against any number of bases
- data weighting
- automatic significance testing [to 95% and 99% by default]
- creation and calculation of new variables
- mean, modal, standard deviation and error variance for all scaled variables
- optional ranking by individual table
- self-optimising reports to any desired width
- detailed control of report layout and content
- optional footnotes by table
- multi-card input supported
- time fields supported
- report personalisation
- verification that rotating tests yielded balanced results
- response filtering [e.g. to eliminate double counting]
- response consolidation [e.g. age bands melded]
- response combination [e.g. implicit and explicit 'no response']
- standard 5- 7- and 9-point scales supported, along with any necessary question-specific scaling
- consolidation of multiple agreement scale questions
- sub-cross-breaks [e.g. split cross-breaks by research phase to high-light changes over time in a single document]