Previous Projects

ACE has been in existence for more than a quarter of a century, during which time we have been involved in the development of many dozens of projects and several thousand programs. Some of our more notable projects are:


While other software houses we approached sought to persuade us to adapt our requirements to their pre-conceived ideas or proprietary software constraints, ACE listened to what we wanted and delivered it.

Over more than 20 years they refined the applications to meet our increasingly complex demands for statistical and financial reporting and international contract management.

They developed a fully integrated system of database, word processing and accounts, with a sophisticated credit control facility handling future orders as well as open accounts. With the modest requirements of Unix (and, later, Linux), we did not need to constantly upgrade our hardware.

For a bespoke software solution to your problems, I would thoroughly recommend you talk to ACE.

[Wordy I know, but it is not easy to succinctly describe genius]

John P. Bottle
Director (retired)
Lignum International Hardwoods Ltd.